current DroneInIt products and services

How much is a comissioned photoshoot?

Drone photography is a nuanced field requiring due diligence from an operator, in order to provide the best possible final product in compliance with FAA Part 107 Rules & Regulations.

When requesting a commissioned photoshoot we ask that you please provide the address of your subject, so that DroneInIt operators can conduct aeronautical research of the area to identify any hazards or other limitations that may be present while flying for your desired project. This grants the remote Pilot-In-Command the ability to arrive to your location on the scheduled photoshoot day with a reliable knowledge of the surounding aerodrome, ready and able to provide a service that is productive and safe for all relevant parties.

The DroneInIt Aeronautical Research service comes standard in all commissioned photoshoot packages, and carries a fee of $20 to cover time spent analyzing satellite imagery, airspace authorization charts, and any potential air or ground traffic that may impact the parameters of a photoshoot.

We at DroneInIt additionally humbly ask for your understanding in our decision to charge a bill-multiplied fee of 0.15cents for mileage commuting between your photoshoot site and DroneInIt HQ, as this helps keep our business economically sustainable against the turbulence of our current global marketplace.

Commissioned photoshoots are billed as followed:


Photo commission packages are designed for when a business or event planner requires a set collection of photos in an efficient deliverable, hence the range of photos between five and fifty+. These packages are intended to offer the end consumer a reasonable collection of ready-to-use images, relevant to a specific subject, while preventing the image files from consuming an unreasonable amount of space on a hard drive. If you, your project, or event requires commissioned photos ranging beyond the pre-specified packages, feel free to reach out through the in-website contact form. From there it will be a simple process to adjust your required photography as needed.

Tier 1 ————$75
Five unedited photos from various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 2————$85
Ten unedited photos from various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility (or 90 in final draft)

Tier 3 ————$100
Twenty edited photos from various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 4 ————$125
Fifty edited photos from various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 5 ————$175
Seventy-Five edited photos from various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility. Additional images can be added at an extra $15 per photo as desired.

Video commission packages are designed for when a business or event planner require a set collection of videos in an efficient deliverable, hence the range of videos between five and ten+. These packages are intended to offer the end consumer a reasonable collection of ready-to-use video files relevant to a specific subject, while preventing the image files from consuming an unreasonable amount of space on a hard drive. If you, your project, or event requires commissioned photos ranging beyond the pre-specified packages, feel free to reach out through the in-website contact form. From there it will be a simple process to adjust your required photography as needed.

Tier 1 ————$80
Five unedited videos less than one minute in length, from various heights and angles depending on project needs and location flexibility

Tier 2————$100
Five edited videos less than one minute in length, from various heights and angles depending on project needs and location flexibility

Tier 3————$95
Five unedited videos greater than one but less than five minutes in length, from various heights and angles depending on project needs and location flexibility

Tier 4————$120
Five edited videos greater than one but less than five minutes in length, from various heights and angles depending on project needs and location flexibility

Tier 5————$150
Ten or more edited videos greater than one but less than five minutes in length, from various heights and angles depending on project needs and location flexibility. Additional videos can be added at an extra $20 per video clip as desired.

When you have an idea that requires commissioned drone footage, but your idea is beyond using exclusively photo or video media, the DroneInIt Photo-Video Commission Service is the perfect way to reconcile these differences through one elegant package. These packages are perfect for projects that are video-centric but can be further augmented by related still imagery.
Tier 1————$125
Five edited photos, three edited videos less than one minute in length

Tier 2————$150
Ten edited photos, five edited videos less than one minute in length

Tier 3————$175
Twenty edited photos, ten edited videos less than one minute in length, one edited video greater than one and less than five minutes in length

Tier 4————$200
Forty edited photos, fifteen edited videos less than one minute in length, two edited video greater than one and less than five minutes in length

Tier 5————$250
Sixty edited photos, twenty-five edited videos less than one minute in length, two edited videos of approximately two minutes and thirty seconds in length, one edited video greater than five but less than or equal to ten minutes in length

How much is a stock footage license?

Stock footage comes in a few different packages with varying prices depending on the nature of the product. DroneInIt stock footage can be licensed for use within a valid period of one year; after the first year elapses, an annual service fee of $50 will apply for each recurrent year of use. Once a license is purchased, you will receive access to a text document containing a personalized and secure link to the associated media files on an external Google Drive.

Tier 1————$50
Five edited photos, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 2————$75
Ten edited photos, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 3————$100
Twenty-Five edited photos, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 4————$130
Thirty edited photos, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 5————$150
Fifty edited photos, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 1————$75
Five edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles

Tier 2————$100
Ten edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 3————$125
Twenty edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 4————$150
Thirty-Five edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 5————$175
Fifty edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various heights and angles depending on project needs and launch site flexibility

Tier 1————$100
Ten edited photos & five edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various angles and heights

Tier 2————$125
Fifteen edited photos & ten edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various angles and heights

Tier 3————$150
Twenty edited photos & fifteen edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various angles and heights

Tier 4————$180
Twenty-five edited photos & twenty-five edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various angles and heights

Tier 5————$225
Fifty edited photos & fifty edited videos from the DroneInIt Archive, choose from differing subjects at various angles and heights

whats the deal with the SPECIAL CATEGORY ITEMS?


Listings in this category consist of fully rendered and exported media files. These can vary from image slideshows to short films, and anything in-between. DroneInIt Custom Presentations can be composed using stock footage, or completely tailor-made by utilizing our commission photography services.

These productions are a valuable asset in conveying information in a business’ online presence, presenting a collection of images to a team or client, or to provide an aesthetic backdrop to an event—such as a wedding or professional banquet. Pricing for the custom-video service will vary depending on whether the aerial footage used in your video is freshly obtained footage, or from the DroneInIt Archive.

Because image slideshows and fully-rendered video productions take different degrees of time and labor to create, service price schemes vary depending on whether your project is more photo or video-oriented. Once a presentation is licensed, you will receive a unique passcode granting access to your particular listing of choice.

Tier 1————$175
Rotating slideshow of fifty static images from the DroneInIt Archive, set to a soundtrack most relevant to the project. Additional images can be added at an extra $15 per photo as desired.

Tier 2————$200
Mixed-media presentation using motion video and still photos obtained through the DroneInIt Archive, set to a soundtrack most relevant to the project, and a runtime of less than five minutes in length.

Tier 3————$250
Video-focused presentation using occasional still photos obtained through the DroneInIt Archive, set to a soundtrack most relevant to the project, and a runtime of greater than five and less than fifteen minutes in length.

Tier 1————$200
Rotating slideshow of fifty static images through the attached DroneInIt , set to a soundtrack most relevant to the project. Additional images can be added at an extra $15 per photo as desired.

Tier 2————$245
Mixed-media presentation using motion video and still photos obtained through the attached DroneInIt Commissioned Service, set to a soundtrack most relevant to the project, and a runtime of less than fifteen minutes in length.

Tier 3————$275
Video-focused presentation using occasional still photos obtained through the attached DroneInIt Commissioned Service, set to a soundtrack most relevant to the project, and a runtime of greater than five and less than fifteen minutes in length.

DroneInIt mobile device wallpapers are images captured in a portrait orientation, and as such work seamlessly with most phones and tablets. At present, there are a few options for wallpaper collections within each tier based on the image’s characteristics. Images range across all four seasons, depicting New England’s cities, oceans streams and rivers, the sunset. Each image has been edited from the original file composed by the drone’s image sensor, in order to highlight the photo subject in a way that is appealing on modern mobile device screens.

If you have a fancy OLED phone, why not flex those enhanced pixel color contrasts by having a photo of New England’s most scenic vistas on your lock screen?

Tier 1————$3
One phone wallpaper, in multiple sizes designed to fit most devices

Tier 2————$5
Three phone wallpapers, in multiple sizes designed to fit most devices

Tier 3————$10
Five phone wallpapers, in multiple sizes designed to fit most devices

Tier 4————$20 Ten phone wallpapers, in multiple sizes designed to fit most devices

Tier 5————$30 Twenty phone wallpapers, in multiple sizes designed to fit most devices

We at DroneInIt plan to begin offering services before end of 2022 for physical prints of photos, in the form of medium to large posters, card sets, and eventually, small magnets. At this time, we are working on finding the best way to accomplish creating high-detail, color-rich printouts. You can stay updated on news related to this service through the DroneInIt Flight Log, where we intend to release a finalized sale outline in the coming weeks!

Lastly, we at DroneInIt understand the financial difficulty of these unpredictable times. If you are looking for high-quality drone services—but cost is an issue—feel free to let us know in our contact form, and we will do our best to come up with a solution that fits your situation.